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This section includes references to medically related web Resources which have been selected for their: lack of bias, truthfulness and completeness — these days, not so easy to find. They include:

  1. In the "Health Care Resources" section:
  2. There are so many links on the "Web" now it's hard to know where to begin - and just as hard to find the truth!
  3. "Official" Resources
  4. National Center for Disease Control — Especially great for travel advice and about contagious infectious diseases. (Non-commercial, government)
  5. Utah State Department of Health — Great for their Disease Fact Sheets. (Non-commercial, government)
  6. National Library of Medicine - Medline — U.S. Government National Library of Medicine and Institues of Health. Great stuff even though a bit difficult to navigate. (Non-commercial, government)
  7. World Health Organization — A lot of health topics with a global viewpoint. (Non-commercial, humanitarian)
  8. CDC yellow book for travelers — U.S. Department of Health and Human Services - Center for Disease Control. A great collection of information about a large number of diseases. (Non-commercial, government)
  9. Health Canada — Canadian govermental healh site covering a large number of diseases and conditions. (Non-commercial, government)
  10. Professional Resources
  11. AcneAssassin — When first reviewed it wasn't clear who was writing the information. Now I see it to be the blog of a physician dermatologist. It still appears to be a non-commercial blog specifically about Acne. From what I see there is good "first hand" advice and information. (Non-commercial, physician)
  12. Mayo Clinic — A fairly unbiased site for a clearly commercial site. Excellent information, easily navigated. (Commercial)
  13. MDTravelHealth — It's a commercial site so be careful for bias. A New York doctor (with a bit of an ego) who specializes in travel medicine. (Commercial)
  14. "Lay" Resources
  15. Wikipedia Online Encyclopedia — A good source of "information" but not always without "bias" or vested interest articles of dubious health value. Keep to the basic's and you should be ok. (Opensource reference site, quasi commercial)

Medical information herein is not meant to treat any specific patient.  It is for informational purposes only to assist in effectively parenting infants, children, and adolescents.  The period of infancy, childhood and adolescence is a unique time requiring a good relationship with a trusted pediatrician.